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Selecting Programs

How to select a College Major

Your job prospects

Ofcourse the kind of job you will want to do after college will determine, closely or remotely, what program you will select. Its like know the destination and just figuring our which path to take. Some careers do not offer much flexibility. If you would like to become a Veterinarian, you dont really have much options but to take a Veterinary Medicine Program. If you would like to work in careers such as Community Development or International Relations, you have more options and flexibility in your program selection.

Your Passion

Passion is the fuel that will drive you throughout your college and career. College will get tough at times, the course load combined with part time work will weigh heavily on you sometimes. Passion will help you stay awake, awake preparing your course presentations, or reading for your midterm exams even when you are a little too tired.

While it is impossible to be passionate about course within a program, you need to ensure the program has more courses you are passionate about than not.

Understand your strengths

Strengths, or talents, or any terminologies you will use. It is essential to understand your underlying abilities. You may even classify your talents in general terms like 'Sciences' or 'Math' or 'Arts'. Whichever way you define them, you need to be honest with yourself and put more emphasis on the areas that you know will bear fruits. In fact, we use this analogy a lot, a student is like a farmer, he must know when is the best time to plant (invest his/her time studying), and what seeds will result in the biggest harvest.

Be willing to change course - literally.

You can change your course at any time, it is never too late to start something new. Especially if you no longer feel the excitement for a program or a career.

Mix and Match

Colleges and Universities offer the option to take Double Majors. In fact, it is becoming more common to see double majors in two totally unrelated programs. Take advantage of such opportunities, they not only expand your career scope but they also easily address your diverse passions.

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