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Updated October 7th, 2022


Professional networking refers to the deliberate process of establishing, building, and nurturing relationships with the people you work with or diverse professionals from your industry to support you learn and advance in your career (modified from Indeed). Studies have shown that about 80% of available jobs are not posted on any recruitment platform and can only be accessed through networking. Networking is particularly important for people pursuing higher education because almost all relationships tend to be long term. For example, people pursuing careers in academia rely on networking more extensively because most research projects require a multidisciplinary approach and tend to involve teams of several scientists contributing their expertise to the project. It is practically impossible to be successful as a lone wolf in academia.

How to Network

Networking is an ongoing process, every person you encounter can be a potential netowrk, so networking can be planned or unplanned. SOmetimes the person you meet may become important for your network in future. You may benefit significantly from the networks you develop during organized networking events but in most cases, the people you meet by chance encounters may be the ones you establish longer lasting relationships with. HERE is a more detailed article on how to network.

Questions to ask your new CEO

Getting a new CEO in your organization can cause excitement but can also be a source of anxiety. Employees are mostly unsure how the new CEO will lead the company, what his/her priorities will be and how good he/she will be with the staff. CLICK HERE to access a great list of questions you can ask to create good connections right from the start.

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